与美国国防部合作的加密通信应用。 Crypto Chat概述, Crypto Chat信息, Crypto Chat区块链, Crypto Chat维基, Crypto Chat社交, Crypto Chat Medium, Crypto Chat ICO, Crypto Chat回顾, Crypto Chat快讯, Crypto Chat追踪
基于 Cosmos Hub 的社交媒体链。 Desmos概述, Desmos信息, Desmos区块链, Desmos维基, Desmos社交, Desmos Medium, Desmos ICO, Desmos回顾, Desmos快讯, Desmos追踪
去中心化的开放式硬件与软件通信设备。 Clarity概述, Clarity信息, Clarity区块链, Clarity维基, Clarity社交, Clarity Medium, Clarity ICO, Clarity回顾, Clarity快讯, Clarity追踪
为独立视频游戏提供融资和产品发布的社区平台。 Fig概述, Fig信息, Fig区块链, Fig维基, Fig社交, Fig Medium, Fig ICO, Fig回顾, Fig快讯, Fig追踪
可收藏、可繁殖、讨人喜欢,收藏并繁殖数字喵咪。 迷恋猫概述, 迷恋猫信息, 迷恋猫区块链, 迷恋猫维基, 迷恋猫社交, 迷恋猫 Medium, 迷恋猫 ICO, 迷恋猫回顾, 迷恋猫快讯, 迷恋猫追踪
使食物对食物链上的所有参与者更加透明。 Connecting Food概述, Connecting Food信息, Connecting Food区块链, Connecting Food维基, Connecting Food社交, Connecting Food Medium, Connecting Food ICO, Connecting Food回顾, Connecting Food快讯,
角斗士的现代竞技。 BattleDrome概述, BattleDrome信息, BattleDrome区块链, BattleDrome维基, BattleDrome社交, BattleDrome Medium, BattleDrome ICO, BattleDrome回顾, BattleDrome快讯, BattleDrome追踪
在以太坊上玩 Pogs 游戏。 Cryptogs概述, Cryptogs信息, Cryptogs区块链, Cryptogs维基, Cryptogs社交, Cryptogs Medium, Cryptogs ICO, Cryptogs回顾, Cryptogs快讯, Cryptogs追踪
任何人可透过 IPFS 结合 ERC-721 拥有和买卖艺术品。 Digital Art Chain概述, Digital Art Chain信息, Digital Art Chain区块链, Digital Art Chain维基, Digital Art Chain社交, Digital Art Chain Medium, Digital Art Chain ICO, Digital Art
去中心化的游戏分发平台。 Netherstorm概述, Netherstorm信息, Netherstorm区块链, Netherstorm维基, Netherstorm社交, Netherstorm Medium, Netherstorm ICO, Netherstorm回顾, Netherstorm快讯, Netherstorm追踪
基于区块链的数字创作平台。 MakersPlace概述, MakersPlace信息, MakersPlace区块链, MakersPlace维基, MakersPlace社交, MakersPlace Medium, MakersPlace ICO, MakersPlace回顾, MakersPlace快讯, MakersPlace追踪
收藏艺术的新方式。 Digital Objects概述, Digital Objects信息, Digital Objects区块链, Digital Objects维基, Digital Objects社交, Digital Objects Medium, Digital Objects ICO, Digital Objects回顾, Digital Objects快讯, Digital Ob
区块链上的投币推杆街机游戏。 CryptoDozer概述, CryptoDozer信息, CryptoDozer区块链, CryptoDozer维基, CryptoDozer社交, CryptoDozer Medium, CryptoDozer ICO, CryptoDozer回顾, CryptoDozer快讯, CryptoDozer追踪
以采集、炉石为灵感的交易卡牌游戏。 Age of Chains概述, Age of Chains信息, Age of Chains区块链, Age of Chains维基, Age of Chains社交, Age of Chains Medium, Age of Chains ICO, Age of Chains回顾, Age of Chains快讯, Age of Chains追踪
区块链游戏平台。 Game.com概述, Game.com信息, Game.com区块链, Game.com维基, Game.com社交, Game.com Medium, Game.com ICO, Game.com回顾, Game.com快讯, Game.com追踪
社交网络发展到收入来源的演变升级。 Cent概述, Cent信息, Cent区块链, Cent维基, Cent社交, Cent Medium, Cent ICO, Cent回顾, Cent快讯, Cent追踪
重视质量多过点击的区块链上社交平台。 Relevant概述, Relevant信息, Relevant区块链, Relevant维基, Relevant社交, Relevant Medium, Relevant ICO, Relevant回顾, Relevant快讯, Relevant追踪
重新组织数字元节点,形成文化。 MetaFactory概述, MetaFactory信息, MetaFactory区块链, MetaFactory维基, MetaFactory社交, MetaFactory Medium, MetaFactory ICO, MetaFactory回顾, MetaFactory快讯, MetaFactory追踪
yEarn 创始人 Andre Cronje 正在构建的游戏项目。 Eminence概述, Eminence信息, Eminence区块链, Eminence维基, Eminence社交, Eminence Medium, Eminence ICO, Eminence回顾, Eminence快讯, Eminence追踪
面向 3D、AR-VR 内容创作的区块链分发平台。 Cappasity概述, Cappasity信息, Cappasity区块链, Cappasity维基, Cappasity社交, Cappasity Medium, Cappasity ICO, Cappasity回顾, Cappasity快讯, Cappasity追踪
与 MIT 合作颁发数字毕业证书。 Learning Machine概述, Learning Machine信息, Learning Machine区块链, Learning Machine维基, Learning Machine社交, Learning Machine Medium, Learning Machine ICO, Learning Machine回顾, Learning Mach
人类知识资源为基础区块链协议。 Sense Chat概述, Sense Chat信息, Sense Chat区块链, Sense Chat维基, Sense Chat社交, Sense Chat Medium, Sense Chat ICO, Sense Chat回顾, Sense Chat快讯, Sense Chat追踪
数字内容产业的区块链基础架构,赋能去中心化数字内容生态系统。 ContentBox概述, ContentBox信息, ContentBox区块链, ContentBox维基, ContentBox社交, ContentBox Medium, ContentBox ICO, ContentBox回顾, ContentBox快讯, ContentBox追踪
最后一公里,无需信任的去中心化物流网络。 LogisticsX概述, LogisticsX信息, LogisticsX区块链, LogisticsX维基, LogisticsX社交, LogisticsX Medium, LogisticsX ICO, LogisticsX回顾, LogisticsX快讯, LogisticsX追踪
收集、建造独一无二的数字建筑。 BlockCities概述, BlockCities信息, BlockCities区块链, BlockCities维基, BlockCities社交, BlockCities Medium, BlockCities ICO, BlockCities回顾, BlockCities快讯, BlockCities追踪
通过在线发布的内容获得报酬。 Coil概述, Coil信息, Coil区块链, Coil维基, Coil社交, Coil Medium, Coil ICO, Coil回顾, Coil快讯, Coil追踪
把区块链技术革命带到出版业。 Publica概述, Publica信息, Publica区块链, Publica维基, Publica社交, Publica Medium, Publica ICO, Publica回顾, Publica快讯, Publica追踪
创建、发送你的不可替代型代币。 The NFT Company概述, The NFT Company信息, The NFT Company区块链, The NFT Company维基, The NFT Company社交, The NFT Company Medium, The NFT Company ICO, The NFT Company回顾, The NFT Company快讯, The
将械出处存放在一个完全私密的区块链上。 GunClear概述, GunClear信息, GunClear区块链, GunClear维基, GunClear社交, GunClear Medium, GunClear ICO, GunClear回顾, GunClear快讯, GunClear追踪
用加密给好友送去圣诞惊喜。 Crypto Xmas概述, Crypto Xmas信息, Crypto Xmas区块链, Crypto Xmas维基, Crypto Xmas社交, Crypto Xmas Medium, Crypto Xmas ICO, Crypto Xmas回顾, Crypto Xmas快讯, Crypto Xmas追踪
永无止境的 Cards Against Humanity 游戏。 Crypto Against Humanity概述, Crypto Against Humanity信息, Crypto Against Humanity区块链, Crypto Against Humanity维基, Crypto Against Humanity社交, Crypto Against Humanity Medium
基于区块链技术的新一代内容协议。 Content Neutrality Network概述, Content Neutrality Network信息, Content Neutrality Network区块链, Content Neutrality Network维基, Content Neutrality Network社交, Content Neutrality Network Medi
Dapper Labs 团队第二款基于以太坊的区块链游戏。 Cheeze Wizards概述, Cheeze Wizards信息, Cheeze Wizards区块链, Cheeze Wizards维基, Cheeze Wizards社交, Cheeze Wizards Medium, Cheeze Wizards ICO, Cheeze Wizards回顾, Cheeze Wizards快讯,
在以太坊上的新战略游戏中,建立世界上最大的城市。 MegaCryptoPolis概述, MegaCryptoPolis信息, MegaCryptoPolis区块链, MegaCryptoPolis维基, MegaCryptoPolis社交, MegaCryptoPolis Medium, MegaCryptoPolis ICO, MegaCryptoPolis回顾, MegaCryptoPoli